Technology | i3dLiner


Cutting-Edge Technology at i3DLINER

At i3DLINER, our commitment to revolutionizing orthodontic treatment is deeply ingrained in the cutting-edge technology we employ. We understand that the success of clear aligners lies not only in the precision of design but also in the quality of materials and manufacturing processes.

Material Innovation:

Our clear aligner trays are crafted from a specially formulated polyurethane resin plastic, ensuring durability, crack resistance, and resistance to stains. We prioritize the longevity of clarity, so your aligners remain transparent throughout the treatment process. Just as every smile is unique, our material selection is tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Manufacturing Excellence:

The manufacturing process at i3DLINER is a testament to precision and innovation. We follow a meticulous procedure that includes data acquisition through advanced scanning techniques, virtual planning, and computer-aided design of clear aligners. Our commitment to quality extends to the 3D printing phase, where we utilize the appropriate resin-printer combination to ensure optimal results. Post-processing is carried out with utmost care to guarantee the highest standards in clear aligner fabrication.

Tooth Movement Mechanism:

Understanding the complexities of tooth movement is at the core of our technology. i3DLINER utilizes a sophisticated tooth movement mechanism, combining aspects of the displacement driven system and the force-driven system. The displacement driven system orchestrates simpler movements, such as tipping or minor rotations, while the force-driven system ensures controlled and precise adjustments throughout the alignment process.

Future Aspirations:

As we stride confidently into the future, i3DLINER aspires to set new benchmarks in orthodontic care. We envision incorporating advancements in material science, manufacturing techniques, and tooth movement mechanisms to enhance the efficiency and comfort of our clear aligners. Our goal is not only to stay at the forefront of existing technology but to pioneer innovations that redefine the landscape of orthodontic excellence.

At i3DLINER, we don't just embrace technology; we shape its future. Join us on this transformative journey where precision, comfort, and innovation converge to craft the perfect smile for you. Welcome to the future of orthodontics.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 7638870331
