Are Clear Aligners Safe to Use?

Are clear aligners safe to use
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The innovative orthodontic solution of clear aligners has practically taken the dental world by storm. Over the years, clear aligner technology has evolved and gained huge popularity due to its successful results.

What are Clear Aligners?

As the name suggests, clear aligners are transparent orthodontic devices for aesthetically appealing teeth straightening. The aligner is made from flexible thermoplastic material and, when put on, becomes transparent. These clear coverings fit tightly over your teeth and generate gentle pressure to guide your teeth to their right place to correct dental gaps, crookedness, or alignments.

Clear aligners are simply a boon for orthodontic patients because they are lightweight, hassle-free to use, removable, and transparent. With so many unique and unexplored features, clear aligners are the most favourite choice among people worldwide.

Differences from Traditional Braces

Traditional (Metal) braces were the only practical treatment method for dental disparities before aligners. With their shiny appearance, poky metal body and lots of restrictions, people used to think a lot before considering teeth straightening treatment for them.

On the other hand, clear aligners are transparent, can be removable so no dietary restrictions are involved, are easy to clean and maintain oral health and are convenient to use. Also, in several cases, the treatment period involving clear aligners is much less than metal braces.

How Clear Aligner Treatment Works?

The teeth straightening treatment methodology with a clear aligner involves a few steps to make the treatment procedure easier, more comfortable and more personalised for the patients. These steps involve:

Consultation & dental examination

You may book an initial consultation with an experienced orthodontist in clear aligner therapy. In this consultation, the doctor will assess your dental health, discuss your treatment goals, and determine if you are an eligible candidate for clear aligners. In this phase, X-rays, photographs, and digital impressions may be taken to create a precise 3D model of your teeth.

Treatment planning

The information gathered during the initial consultation is sent to the service provider, where a team of experienced orthodontists using advanced software will create a customised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will now be sent to your visiting clinic, where you and your dentist can review it and oversee a virtual representation of how your smile will transform over time.

Crafting your clear aligner trays

After you approve the treatment plan, your custom aligners will be produced, ensuring they are precisely crafted to fit your teeth comfortably and securely. Each set of aligners is designed to gradually move your teeth into the desired position according to the treatment plan.

Treatment phase

After receiving your customised aligners, you’ll be thoroughly instructed on how to wear them properly and how long to wear each set before progressing to the next. It’s normal to experience some initial discomfort or pressure as your teeth adjust to each new set of aligners. Generally, such discomfort will last only for a few days.

Progress monitoring

Periodic check-up appointments with your orthodontist will monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. This will ensure that your teeth are moving according to the planned trajectory and address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Get ready to smile

Once you’ve completed the prescribed series of aligners and achieved your desired smile, your orthodontist will provide you with retainers to maintain the results. Your dental flaws will be corrected in only 6 months to 18 months, and that too without hassles.

Advantages of Clear Aligner

Discreetness: Clear aligners are nearly invisible, making them an appealing choice for individuals who prefer a more discreet orthodontic solution.

Comfort: The absence of wires and brackets reduces the risk of mouth irritation, providing a more comfortable treatment experience.

Removability: Aligners can be removed for eating and oral hygiene, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods and maintain excellent dental care.

Effective Results: Clear aligners can effectively address a wide range of orthodontic issues, including crowded teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, and crossbites.

Are Clear Aligners Really Safe?

Clear aligners are medical grade plastic molds or trays that are custom-made to fit your teeth and gradually push them to realign them and correct your dental issues. However, despite the efficiency and convenience of wearing clear aligners, there are still questions about their safety.

Orthodontic treatment with clear aligners is totally safe if it is guided and prescribed by an authorized dental professional, that is an orthodontist.

Potential Side Effects and Risks

Short-term issues: Clear aligner treatment has some potential drawbacks and side effects, which are temporary and can be experienced in a very short period.

Headache & Jaw pain: Clear Aligners mechanism involves applying continuous pressure to shift teeth into the desired alignment. This transformative process often triggers jaw pain and mild headaches lasting from a few hours to a few days.

Sore throat: A common side effect that one may experience soon after wearing aligners is a sore throat and tongue, which will also disappear over a period of time.

Lip Swelling:  Aligners may exert pressure on the lips, causing inflamed lips. In a rare scenario, eye swelling is also experienced.

Speech Issue: Soon after wearing clear aligners, one may experience a mild speech impairment, including lisps in pronouncing ‘s’ and ‘sh’, which is temporary.

Other: During the treatment period, other concerns, such as restricted airway, pain in the chest, and dry mouth, were also reported.

Minimizing Risks: What You Should Do

  1. Following instructions carefully– The most helpful step if you want a safe and smooth smile transformation journey with clear aligners is to adhere to the instructions and guidelines provided by your service providers or orthodontist.
  1. Visit A Professional– Always begin by consulting an authorized dental professional to ensure a safe and sound treatment process that suits you best.
  1. Maintaining good oral hygiene– Proper oral hygiene is vital while you are going through dental treatment involving clear aligners. Food particles trapped between your teeth and aligners will create a favourable condition for bacteria to build up inside your mouth.
  1. Check your diet– Do not include very hard-to-chew, crunchy or sticky food in your diet. In simple words, avoid food that can affect or stain your teeth during the treatment period. It will take more of your time brushing and flossing your teeth.
  1. Try less to no snacking– Aim to wear the clear aligner for 22 hours a day and remove it only for having your meal and brushing. That’s why do not entertain snacking and stick to your meals only if you want a hassle-free, timely and effortless treatment period involving clear aligners.

Considerations Before Choosing Clear Aligners

Before choosing clear aligners to correct your dental difficulties, you should understand some factors clearly. This technology can only provide you with the most beautiful result if you are fully dedicated to this treatment. Considering these given factors before proceeding with the treatment may show better results:

  • The severity and type of your orthodontic problem are crucial factors in determining how long you need clear aligner treatment to fix it.
  • You should understand that teeth only move when forces are applied consistently. For that reason, you must be disciplined in wearing your aligners 22 hours per day. Otherwise, you’ll extend treatment and force compromises in the result.
  • You must keep in mind that it is not possible to accurately predict how many aligners and series of aligners will be needed to achieve your desired results.
  • Align with the aligner change and check-up schedule recommended by your orthodontist for better results.
  • Monitor the fit of your aligners and contact your orthodontist if you have any concerns.

At Home Aligners & Their Potential Side-Effects

i3DLiner live in an app-based world where there is an app for every requirement. Even for orthodontic solutions, there are many promising apps available.

These ‘at-home’ or DIY (Do It Yourself) aligners brands claim to work similarly to their counterparts. A company will send you a kit (via mail or through an app) with all the tools you need to make an impression on your teeth. Once you send back the impression, they will send it to their lab to create your custom aligners. You will receive your aligners via post with a treatment plan to get started.

As professionals, we do not encourage such an act. Dental alignment is a complicated process, and it is difficult to manage without an in-person consultation with one or more licensed professionals. Without physical consulting, the dental issue can not be assessed properly, resulting in a misfit aligner that will harm your teeth and gums.

Also, you may cause irreparable damage to your roots, gums, and teeth if you accidentally hurt them or try to get into unfit aligner trays.

Before choosing an online aligner provider without any physical consultation, please go through the questions given below:

  1. Will this treatment be based on information from my X-rays, skeletal structure, and full scans of my teeth and upper and lower jaws?
  2. Is there a dentist or orthodontist supervising the making of my aligners? 
  3. Do the dentists have a clear aligner license?
  4. Am I a candidate for clear aligners? 
  5. Are my teeth and gums healthy enough to support orthodontic treatment?
  6. Can I see a dentist in person in an emergency?

If you get most of the answers in no, you should re-check or discard the option. 

Why should you visit an experienced dentist for teeth alignment?

If you are considering trying clear aligners for teeth straightening, you should definitely visit an orthodontist. The professional will assess your teeth alignment and plan a treatment that best suits your condition.

It involves dental exams and 3D teeth scans to understand the situation better. The orthodontist also has the right technology to prepare customized aligners based on your requirements. So, to ensure you are on a safe track, the ideal thing is to consult an orthodontist in person.

Other options of online dental assessment or online consultation might be available and popular these days. However, the lack of face-to-face communication between you and your doctors can lead to errors and misunderstandings. Also, it could lead to errors in judgment when crafting the aligner trays of your exact fit, thereby leading to harm rather than help.

Final Verdict

Clear aligners have transformed orthodontic treatment, offering a comfortable and discreet way to achieve a straighter smile. By following the step-by-step process and guidelines outlined by your service provider and orthodontist and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can look forward to enjoying the benefits of a beautifully aligned smile.

If you’re considering clear aligners, consult an experienced orthodontist to determine if they’re the right choice.


Are clear aligners safe for all ages?

Clear aligner treatment can be initiated at a young age, around thirteen, and there is no upper age limit. During your primary consultation, you will learn whether you are a suitable candidate for aligner treatment.

Can clear aligners cause any discomfort?

Clear aligners can cause a little discomfort when used for the first time and when changing aligner sets. However, these discomforts are not permanent and can be resolved within a few days.

Can clear aligners cause long-term damage to teeth or gums?

Prolonged use of aligners is sometimes associated with concerns like periodontitis and gingivitis. Also, aligners may lead to the weakening of tooth roots, which may cause slow resorption of the dental roots over time. These sorts of issues happen when people need to follow the given guidelines.

Are there any health conditions that mean you can’t use aligners?

Clear aligners only aim to straighten teeth and can’t resolve other dental problems. If you are already suffering from acute gum disease and cavities, you are not an ideal candidate for clear aligners. Receding gums can lead to other problems, such as tooth loss.

How long does clear aligner treatment last?

Clear aligners are designed for a permanent solution. However, to retain the results for a lifetime, one must maintain sound oral habits and regular doctor visits.


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